
Showing posts from June, 2021

Breast Feeding Diet

  Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for infants. Breast milk includes all vitamins, proteins, fats, and all infant needs and is more easily digested than formula. Breast milk contains vital substances like antibodies and anti-infective factors that essential for the baby's immune system, such as immunoglobulin (IgA), white blood cells, and whey protein (lysozyme and lactoferrin), and simple sugars. In the following, we will explore how should be the diet of a breastfeeding mother? How many calories does a nursing mother needs during breastfeeding ? The average milk production in the first sixth months is about 750 ml, and in the second, sixth months is 600 ml. In mothers who are on a low-calorie diet (under 1500 kcal per day), the milk production may be insufficient. The mothers' calorie requirements in the second six months are more than the first six months because the stored fats in the mother's body gradually decrease over time. Contraceptive pills can stop the lact